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Fescisa 2021 Official Selection:

5th San Antonio Independent Film Festival (5th Fescisa), Ecuador

A- Feature Film Competition:

- Feature Fiction

Crossroads. Philippines. By Mcarthur Alejandre

Havana Kyrie. Cuba. By Paolo Consorti

Sacrilege. Greece. By Marsa Makris

The Colour Of Spring. Canada. By Paul Andrew Kimball

Year Of The Monkey. Macedonia. By Vladimir Blaževski


- Feature Experimental

Atoms Orbit. United States. By Scott Hellon

Image Of Perception. United Kingdom. By Guli Silberstein

The Hauntings In Madhya Pradesh. India. By Dr Khadir


- Feature Documentary Film

93: Stories Told Through A Piano. Ecuador. Guido Bajaña Yude

Alpaqueros. Peru. By Mercedes Lamborelle

Bocca Chiusa. Spain. By Joan Marí Mir

Love In The Face Of Genocide. Syrian Arab Republic. By Şêro Hindê

Recatate Con Los Pibes, Argentina. By Marcos Coria Y Mariano Corbacho

B- Short Films Competition:

- Latinamerican Short

Después. Brazil. By Marcello Quintella E Boynard

Do You Like Poetry?. Brazil. By Eduardo Mattos

Doblez. Brazil. By Gabriel Vidal

Hollar. Ecuador. By Miguel Villafuerte

What Are We. Ecuador. By Marcos Bermúdez

- Short Fiction

Bajo La Palmera. Spain. By Pau Bacardit Gallego

Dalía. Iceland. By Brúsi Ólason

Extraneous Matter. Japan. By Kenichi Ugana

Guayakill. Ecuador. By Enrique Pilozo

The Electrishman & The Three Elves. Spain. By Fabian Joest

- Short Experimental

Gentle Wildfire. Netherlands. By Simone Bennett

Ophelia. France. By Hadi Moussally

Skirmish. Puerto Rico. By James Gordon

Two. United States. By Vasilios Papaioannu

White Pearl. Argentina. By Miguel Panucci

- Short Documentary Film

Encerrados. Uruguay. By Pablo Magariños Requena & Tatiana Magariños Requena

Guadalcanal 1942: A Christmas Story. United States. By Patty Butler Spiers/Jay Maloney

Small Fish. France. By Quentin Lestienne

Through The Eyes Of A Woman. United States. By Yesenia Rego

Uroboros. Mexico. By Antonio Arango


- Short Animation 

Babines. Belgium. Emilie Praneuf

Kapaemahu. United States. By Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu

Mogu And Perol. Japan. By Tsuneo Goda

Rescue Master Tang. Taiwan. By Adam Juang

The August Moon. Ecuador / France. By Edgar Carrasco-Lení

- Short Terror, Science Fiction, Fantastic

Casiopea. Spain. By Fernando Manso

Cero Horas. Ecuador. By Raúl Jaramillo

Love Me Tender. France. By Juliette Blanche

Salvo El Crepúsculo. Spain. By Mario Hernández

The Frightened President. United States. By Zé Kielwagen, Marcos Serafim


- Short Social 

Fall Of The Bush. Venezuela. By Eugenia Montesinos

Lucie Unbowed. France. By Denis Gouzerh

Mi Kipá. Spain. By Ilan Rosenfeld

Migrants. Colombia. By Maria Salazar

The Ashes. Greece. By Anastasia Anagnostopoulou

- Script For Short Film

Beautiful Sunshine. United States. By Jw Richardson

Everyone Is Going To Die. Peru. By Elsa Alejandro

God Of Thunder. Uruguay. By Santos Manrique

The Butterflies At Sunset. Chili. By Rodrigo Cornejo

When Dogs Bark. Bolivia. Dina Castellanos


- Script For Feature Film

Alta California. United States. By Lynn Elliott

Honeycomb. Mexico. By Ramiro Contreras

Running The Bases. United States. By Marty Roberts

Tomorrow's Company. Panama. By Melissa Castro

Ying And Yang. Spain. By César Romero

Venue: Espacio KultuArte Simón Bolívar, Sala de TeatroCine "Sebastían Cordero Espinosa” - Calle Sucre 3-32, entre Grijalva y Borrero, San Antonio de Ibarra, 100157, Provincia de Imbabura

© 2017 San Antonio Independent Film Festival

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